Employee Spotlight: Lovedeep Bagga, Senior Manager & Scrum Master, and World Traveler!

Employee blog Lovedeep

What’s your role at BrightInsight?

Senior Manager & Scrum Master

Can you share a bit of background on yourself?

I started my career off by working with two startup companies SSR Labs and Shipwire. Where I got to learn the different levels of a startup. Before joining BrightInsight I was with consulting with Genentech for over 2 years!

What is your favorite food?

I don’t have any favorite food because there are just so many things to try in the world. Every time I travel to a new place, I like to find out what is that cites specialty or something new that I haven’t tired. When there are soo many possibilities its hard to pick just one.

Where is your favorite place on earth?

So far I’ve been to nine different countries and out of all the places, I would love to stay in India. India is a huge place with over a billion population that is filled with its rich culture, history, and varieties of food that you can never get enough of it, even if you lived your whole life.

Which of BrightInsight’s Values most resonates with you and why?

Passionate about transforming care and patient outcomes

One of the values that stand out for me is the Passion for BrightInsight about transforming care and patient outcome! I know we can make a difference in the healthcare industry and begin to look at it from a whole new perspective! 

What is your favorite part about working at BrightInsight?

I can’t believe it’s been two years since I’ve started and it still feels like it was yesterday when I was just getting my foot in the door. I have had such pleasure to work with such talented team members that time just flew! I can’t wait for another 2 years to see where we will be!

What are your hobbies outside of work?

Outside of work I love to spend time with my family, traveling, hiking, playing all sorts of games, and trying new food especially desserts!

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