By the numbers: Bringing SaMD to market

Samd infographic blog

Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) is one of the hottest segments in digital health. And it’s easy to see why: it’s changing how patients and providers interact and the way data is shared, tracked and analyzed.

Our recent white paper, Expectation vs. Reality: Cost and Time to Bring SaMD to Market, synthesizes our survey of the biopharma industry, a market analysis of nearly three-years of data for the top 30 biopharma firms and in-depth interviews with digital health leaders. Take a look for an in depth analysis of the SaMD space.

Want a primer? We’ve put together an infographic of our topline charts and graphs for a snapshot of the state of SaMD. These insights reveal the amazing potential for SaMD for biopharma, as well as the potential pitfalls of choosing the wrong path.

You’ll learn about:

Plus, you’ll find five tips to solve cost and time to market challenges.

Read the infographic: By the Numbers: Cost and Time to Bring SaMD to Market

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